Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Which do you prefer?

This week I am teaching a lesson to my grade 2 classes (High School juniors) about preferences - asking others about their preferences and explaining the reasons behind your own. In the beginning of the class, I explain different ways to ask about preferences and the ways that you would answer someone who asked you about your own preferences. Some of the vocabulary includes "Which do you prefer, ... or ...?" and "I prefer ... because ... is more..." Obviously, this is simple stuff, but the students are always much more animated and interested when they understand the concepts easily. 

The highlight of the lesson comes at the end, when I ask the students to create their own preference question and survey the class. We use the outline "Which/Who do you prefer, A or B?" and the students have to insert their own objects into A and B. One interesting aspect about this lesson was that in every class without fail, a student would create the question "Who do you prefer, Mom or Dad?" In a school that is about 80% male, almost every student chose Mom. Can anyone say, "Oedipus?"

I was pleasantly surprised at how much the students enjoyed this activity, since I generally have to bribe them with candy to do anything that involves getting out of their chairs. Here are some of the most amusing survey questions that the students came up with:

Girlfriend or Pizza? (winner: pizza)

Sexy Girl or Pretty Girl (winner: sexy girl)

Money or Family (winner: one vote)

Dogs or Cats (winner: dogs because "dogs are more delicious"....seriously)

Cooper or Homeroom teacher (winner: Cooper, by unanimous decision...yes!)

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