Sunday, December 28, 2008

Let the Right One In

Living in Korea has obvious drawbacks for a film buff. The only english-language films that make their way to Korean theaters are brainless action flicks and trashy romantic comedies. And, for obvious reasons, I can't really see anything unless it is in English. Luckily, the magical powers of the internet have allowed me to still watch films that I wouldn't otherwise be able to see until my return home. There are still some that I haven't been able to locate (Slumdog Millionare, Frost/Nixon, the Wrestler, Synecdoche, New York) but otherwise I have watched quite a few recent movies from the Western world. 

When I went to see Quantum of Solace back in November, there was a preview for a Swedish Vampire film called 'Let the Right One In." The imagery was startling, though I couldn't understand any of the language in the preview. A few weeks ago, I was finally able to watch the movie and was completely enthralled. This is by far the best film I've watched in 2008.

The story follows a 12 year old boy who lives in an apartment complex outside of Stockholm. The boy is a loner who often gets picked on at school. A girl moves in to the apartment complex and the two of them start to spend some time together, and eventually the boy finds out that his new friend is a vampire. I won't go into any more plot detail but I highly recommend this film. 

One thing I appreciate about European filmmakers is that they often hold their audience to higher standards than your average Hollywood director. They don't shove ideas in your face but rather allow the viewer to assess the film for themselves and create their own interpretation. 'Let the Right One In' is a subtle masterpiece, a film that will stick with you for days or even weeks. It is a story of loneliness, friendship, and the difficulties of youth. 

Please post your thoughts if you have seen this already, because I haven't heard anyone else's opinion.


jakelevine said...
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jakelevine said...

Funny I only saw this after my post at I thought the cinematography and score were gorgeous. You're right about the film giving more credit to the audience, that's something you can certainly appreciate in a movie about vampires.

On another note, I saw Synechdoche and The Wrestler. Synechdoche was captivating but drawn out and a little too dreamy. The Wrestler was very good, but maybe a bit too 'bucket listy'.

Bradford Miller said...

Con Air is on "super action" right now and it's 10x better than anything else. The only terrible thing on Korean tv is the porn.